Shey finished riding the TransGA route this weekend. We headed to Mulberry Gap and the boys and I rode around there for the day, then I drove to pick Shey up at the AL border.
Actually, his phone was rained on, so it didn't work well.....that made our 6pm meeting time more like '9:30pm trying to find Shey in the dark' time. He said the last stretch of Pinhoti trail by the border was awesome.
Rob and Shey decided to ride it together, but Rob had a couple flats and decided the stars were not aligned for him to ride that day. So Shey headed on alone, while Rob rode back to MG.
Yeah, so we've had Indy for something like 4 years and he still gets so excited when he rides in the car that he whines the ENTIRE RIDE!! It's this horrible high pitched, really annoying, never ending whining.
Jansen has come up with his own Indy-protection. He has earplugs in with earmuffs over them. Notice Indy whining right over Jansen's head.

Camping at Mulberry Gap.

Getting ready for our ride. It rained that morning, so all the other campers stayed at MG and we had the trails to ourselves. Nice!

Serena chillin' out in the tent with the boys.

The ladies at Mulberry Gap has an awesome breakfast waiting for us the next morning. Yum!

Hiking with the dogs.