BUMP, Oak Mountain, Alabama - Shey and Jansen raced this one.

I LOVE this course. In fact, everyone I talk to LOVES this course. It's long and fast and hard. There is a new section that they threw in at the end of the course this year. So, if you have raced there over the past few years, you think you are about to finish, but then there is ......more.

The Good: * Shey had a solid race again this year. (I finished my Sunday ride in time to see him on the podium, but didn't have my camera.

* Tristan had a killer race and took third in pro, Travis 4th, Wes had a great race and finished in a strong 6th,

* Andy raced in Jansen's age group

* There were lots of Sorellas on the podium in the women's categories and I got to hang out with Bren again, who is training for a the Bike BC 7 day stage race, but this time she is going solo!!!
* It was hot, but good weather.

The Bad: *Jansen flatted and didn't have a second CO2 cartridge, so had to pull out. He was really bummed, as mechanicals and heavy rains have plagued his races this year.
* Tristan hit the last really slick bridge and crashed pretty hard. Uh.....more Tristan crashes coming soon.....that story later.
*Cory flatted and he was riding REALLY strong. Bummer. The fitness was there, but so were the rocks...
The Ugly: I almost skipped even spectating this race, because my poison ivy and bug bites and rashes, etc looked so disgusting. Fortunately the trail was dusty and I think all the dirt and stuff on my legs covered the grossness, while I was visiting with friends after my ride. At least that is what I am telling myself.
Snitchin': I know for a fact that Anet has not been cleared by her orthopedic surgeon to race......shame on you.

CLEMSON, South Carolina: Again, really fun course. Not as hot as it is down here, but still toasty. Place to get ice cream right down the road.
The Good: *Jansen had his day. No mechanicals, no storm, just great racing. He raced smart and had a consistent lap times.

*Everett stayed off the line at the start and filed in behind the guys, as he hasn't been riding as much lately. He probably would have done well either way, but had a good strong race.
*I think I convinced Sven's oldest son that he would do very well to join the circus.
*The expert women's podium was Norma, Tif and Jen. This was really awesome, because I watched Jen race expert for the first time at Clemson last year. That chica has seriously been training and I'm sure she and Tif were happy to hang together through the laps.

*We got ice cream. It was awesome.
The Bad: *Shey broke off his derailleur hanger. Yep, right before regional camps starts. Not sure what he is riding for the week. Bummer. So, he wasn't able to finish and wandered around the venue in a daze, mumbling things about needing points and a bike.
The Ugly: *Ugh, the excuses on the line in some of the categories. Seriously, just get out there and race already!!!! We all have to work, most of us have families and chores. Just be super thankful that you are able to be a part of this amazing sport! Most people have completely forgotten how to accomplish their dreams.....we are living one!
Oops, I almost forgot about Dauset!
Great race on the weekend in between these other races.
It was freakin' HOT and HUMID!! I mean it was bad. Although, Thomas was racing like it was a cool 70 degrees.
They cut out Huff n Puff due to the heat for the pro/experts.

Shey and Jansen had good races.

Austin and Everett hanging out.