Monday, January 26, 2009

Preview of the Florida Girlie Trip

Ah, one of my favorite trips each year!!!

The badlasses load up the Explorer and head down to Florida to catch some rays and ride, ride ride!!!

Here are a couple teaser photos and hopefully I'll have time for a full report, soon.


An unexpected swim in the swamp.

Potato Sack Race
Mattress Surfing

6 hrs of El Lagarto

Ann and Steve met us in Fl

Tadpole good luck charms

Sour Oranges
San Felasco
85 degree temps, in January!

Norma curses
Lillith the snippy british woman

Aimee is Norm from Cheers.
K8....need I say more?

Good food, good hotels, great trails, great friends.....and coming home to a house full of boys that missed me.


Jennifer Wills said...

you guys must have had a great time! Girl trips are the best!

Kari Lindner said...

Jenn, You were sorely missed. Would you email me when you get a chance? I would love to catch up! (same old addy) Kari