Saturday, August 13, 2011

Love our Farmer's Market!!

Big thanks to Green Livin' Farms!!


We were very lucky that we had a daily farmer's market open up this past year in our town. They have a good selection of produce and dairy products and they are now open 6 days a week!
On Friday, Everett and I took Indy to the park on our way to the market.
Indy filled up on the local weeds, so he wouldn't eat the watermelon at the market??!!??!!

Then we headed over to the Green Livin' market in Covington, GA for the best fruit we have found all season!
Indy is waiting patiently outside after he helped us pick out the most ripe produce.

On Saturday, I rode to the IHP for Shey's cyclocross practice (which was cool, with a very good turnout and a really tough and fun course), then I rode home and was very, very, very happy to load up on fresh fruit that was already cut and waiting for me to inhale it at once!

So good, with no pesticides and grown locally by people we can talk to!**

Kari Lindner

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