Sunday, June 28, 2009

USA Cycling Junior Camp 2009

Shey and Jansen headed off to camp, but stopped to race with the guys at the Cowbell, Kenda Cup race in NC.

Shey, Jansen, Jafer, Caesar, Shane, Jeremy, SS Rob, Pete, Harlan, Wes, Corey and Anet were all at the race, so they had a great time.

Jansen had a great race.

Shey got sick during the marathon. He raced the xc the next day and said he had 2nd in his sights, when a cable, that was laying on the course caught his crank arm and yanked his bike out from under him. He landed on his face/helmet and has a lovely black eye.

Jafer kicked butt, right behind Harlan at the marathon, then killed it in the xc race the next day.

I think Shey said the heat was bothering Shane. Pete raced both days with great results.

I'm sure Wes and Corey were kickin' it out there, as always, and Anet has been riding up a storm this year!

So, after the race the juniors headed to camp with Andy, Tristan, Thad and Shey. They always have so much fun at these camps. Andy makes things fun for them, while constantly coaching them about riding and nutrition in an easy going manner.

I got a call on Wednesday from Jansen and was told they were on their way to the emergency room. Jansen had crashed pretty hard and could not bend his left arm. No fracture showed on the radiograph, so he was put in a sling and told to keep it immobile for a bit. His handle bar broke during the crash, from the top down.

Everett and I headed up to ride Dupont and see the guys on Friday. We took the route that goes through Caesar's Head. Cool views.

We stopped to check out the overlook and stretch our legs and when we walked back to our car we could see two guys standing right by the car and obviously looking at the bikes. It was Cleve and his dad. Cyclocross Cleve.

We had a great 3+ hour ride at Dupont, then headed over to say, "hi" to the guys at camp....and have a little air put in my shock. We were told it was Jesus' birthday and the guys were searching for some mexican music on the radio to play for him. All they could find was some African chanting music, so that would have to do..........

Dupont and Pisgah riding is awesome, as there is a little bit of everything out there.

"Slick rock", smooth singletrack, rooty climbs, rocky drop-offs, miles of forest service road climbing....just a great selection of terrain all in one area.

Everett was faster than me at every section, except for the part where we saw the snake in the water. I was out of there in a flash.

The mosquitoes were terrible, so we had to keep moving.

We were going to pitch our tent in the woods at Pisgah, but on our way over there we saw a sign for camping. It was close to the camp, so we decided to check it out. Very cool place.

We had read the list of rules for seeing fairies at the Tera Nova Center, so we asked these guys about the "fairies". They told us that they had a firefly that they called the "blue ghost". It gives off a blue light, in a constant glow as it hovers low to the ground.

This is an angry fairy.......

He doesn't like flowers. He does like potato chips.

Everett and I hiked around on the trails around the campground, then hit the hay. I was pretty tired and was drifting off when Everett called out, "mom look!" I sat up and we got to see the "fairies" dancing along the ground. It was awesome!

The next morning we packed up and headed over to the camp to watch the short track race.

Wes and Jesus.

Jansen, out of the sling for the short track race. The pink gloves were given to him by the fairies.

These guys were pretty evenly matched and stayed together until the end.

Tyler angered the fairies and they gave him cramps in his right leg.

After the race, Everett and I headed out to Pisgah to ride for awhile.

Along the drive, we stopped at Mud Dabbers to look at the pottery. Very cool potters shop! I found a great mug, which I used for my green tea this morning.

Everett noticed a sign across the street for a blacksmith. We decided to check it out.

Down a long dirt road, with lots of gardens, chickens and goats along the way, we found this blacksmithing barn. There was a very cool older man in there who took us on a tour, showed us pictures of their work, showed us their tools and sold us a bag of coal for the boys to use in their furnance. (they are almost out) Richard is the blacksmith and he made a pretty cool red wolf that is in front of the court house in Brevard. He also makes these awesome dragon door handles.

Then we were on our way to Pisgah. We rode a nice climb up paved road, dirt road, gravel road, then single track. Lots of blackberries and great views along the way. We wanted to make it back in time to meet Shey and Jansen for lunch at Poppies in town. We met them at Sycamore Cycles at about 3, said good-bye to Tristan, Wes and Thad, then had a super yummy organic meal at Poppies.

I like my socks.

We followed each other home, with a stop at Starbucks, of course.

Shey got some cool fair trade coffee at Poppies.

So, in Pisgah, I had texted Kindle to see how it went with caring for our backyard farm. She said everything was great. Then I called Jane on the way home to let her know that we would be home early enough to care for the animals. She said that while she and Kindle were doing the animal chores, the: dog got out of the fence, the ducks were crazy and would not go in the direction they wanted them to and one of the chickens was having her own little party and refused to go in the hen house for the night. Of course she thought this was all hilarious! I have some amazing friends for sure!

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